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    May 30, 2022|

    Why you need a Domain name?

    What is Domain?

    If you want to create a website you need buy a Domain. Suppose you have an office. Now if anyone wants to visit your office he needs to know your address. The same thing happens with a website. If anyone wants to visit your website he needs an address and the address of your website is your Domain. A Domain name identifies your website uniquely.

    The difference between your name and Domain is people can use the same name for different persons. But your Domain will be unique. No one can use the Domain you bought once.

    Some more information about Domain

    A web server stores all the files of a website. And these web server has separate IP Address from which you can browse a website. But there are difficulties to remember every website with IP Address. A Domain name resolves this problem.

    You can register a Domain name between 3-63 words. Also, you can use 0-9 words and (-) hyphen on your Domain name.

    Why you need a Domain name?

    A Domain name gives you a unique identity on the web. If you want to represent yourself, your business or organization to the whole world there is no better option available when creating a website. Also, you can give your business more professional look by a website and Domain. It makes your job easy to promote yourself with a website.


    A Domain name will give your organization or yourself a Professional look


    You can promote yourself or your organizations aim to the whole world.


    A Domain name is also a trademark of its own. Because nobody can use your Domain name once it’s registered to you.

    Domain Structure

    Every Domain has two parts. One is for the unique name and the other part is an extension. Once you buy a Domain name nobody can buy the same Domain name with that extension. For example, is Domain of our website. Here Munshi IT is the unique name and .com is the extension. You can choose the extension by the type of your website.
    .com: The most popular extension for the Domain name around the world. Generally, a company, blog, e-commerce and almost all types of website use this extension.

    .net: .net extension is used for one or more networks.
    .org: Basically, an organization, non-profit websites and other uses this extension.
    .info: This extension is used for personal or information websites.
    .edu: Educational institutes uses .edu extension.
    .mil: .mil is for military force or other armed force websites.

    What you will get with every Domain:

    Instant activation with the fully automated payment system.
    Full Domain Control Panel
    Simple and Easy Domain Management Tool.
    Multi-Year Registration or Renewal.

    Free Features

    DNS Management

    External DNS Hosting can help speed up your website and improve availability with reduced redundancy.

    ID Protection

    Protect your personal information and reduce the amount of spam to your inbox by enabling ID Protection.

    Email Forwarding

    Get emails forwarded to alternate email addresses of your choice so that you can monitor all from a single account.

    Why should you need ID Protection?

    When you register a Domain name your information WHOIS database stores your information. If you don’t use ID Protection for your Domain name anybody can find your information from WHOIS. Mainly big business organizations or corporate companies don’t feel necessary or enabling ID Protection for their Domain name. But when you are a small business owner, blogger or personal site owner you may need ID Protection.
    WHOIS Database stores this information in their database.

    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Address
    • Email
    • Phone Number

    So if you don’t want to share your information publicly you can use the free ID Protection feature.

    How to get ID Protection?

    Munshi IT knows the importance of your privacy. That why we are offering free ID Protection with every Domain. You can enable this feature while you are purchasing a Domain name from Munshi IT.

    How to choose a Domain Name?

    • Choose an easy, simple and meaningful Domain name which a visitor can remember easily.
    • Select a Domain name which relates to your website.
    • A small Domain name is always good looking and easy to remember.
    • Don’t copy Domain name which is similar to another trademarked or famous website.
    • Try to keep the words between 4-11.
    • Try to include the main focus keyword on your Domain name.
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