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    Why and How to Start WordPress Journey as a WordPress Developer

    In current time WordPress is the most famous and user web publishing platform. People are using WordPress for personal to corporate solutions. And the demand for WordPress developer is also increasing day by day.

    Actually, people are using CMS to build their website and they are using WordPress most. Almost 19% of current websites are built with WordPress. If you think about tech sites. The number is around 50%. Besides this, most of the worlds popular brands using WordPress for their blogging platform.

    You can build any kind of website with WordPress with some easy steps. That’s why its demand is increasing day by day.

    What you need to know

    You can say this straightforward that becoming a WordPress developer is not an easy task. But if you work with plans you can get success. And you obviously need to know HTML and CSS to become a WordPress developer. It will be better if you learn JavaScript and PHP too. But if you don’t know anything don’t be a worry. You can develop a WordPress site. You need to know this coding if you want to any customization.

    So if you want to be a professional in WordPress development you to spend time, hard work and skills on it.

    Why need you be the best WordPress developer?

    First, say why you wouldn’t be? If you want to do something good then why you should pass your time be just a simple WordPress site owner?

    There is some reason why you should be pro WordPress developer!

    Guarantee of income: the demand of WordPress developer is also increasing with the demand of WordPress website. And a client is never Niggardliness to spend money on a WordPress developer.

    Choose the great client: when you become a great WordPress you don’t need to run finding jobs. The client will come to you to get their job done.

    How to learn?

    There are thousands of resource available over the internet to learn WordPress. Yes, I know it is hard to get the quality resource. But try to choose the best resource and learn with your full mind.

    Some resources:

    WordPress Codex:

    To learn WordPress from basic to master level, WordPress codex is the best resource. Because it is built with considering every level WordPress user. You can also learn WordPress theme and plugin development from the codex.

    WordPress eBook

    You can find many quality ebooks online which will help you how to start with zero knowledge.

    WordPress Blog

    Find out the best WordPress blogs and read their posts regular. Subscribe their feed, read and give feedback.

    Also, you can learn WordPress from the expert developers. Try to join WordPress communities. They are always free to help you.

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