What types of website you can build with WordPress!
Generally people know WordPress as a blogging platform. But you can’t imagine what you can build with WordPress. WordPress is the complete Content Management System and you can build any kind of website using it. You can build your kind of website choosing theme from thousands.
First of all you need create a WordPress site. Learn how to install step by step from this tutorial.
The first name comes to our mind when we hear WordPress. For easy content management, people are using WordPress most. 19% of the total online sites are running on WordPress and the number is 50% when it comes to blog.
The number of young entrepreneur is increasing day by day. And they are choosing online platform as their store. And that’s helping increasing ecommerce demand day by day. They can easily build ecommerce website with WordPress and manage them. It’s easier to build ecommerce website with WordPress then other platform. Also it has features to interrogate almost every payment method.
Business website
You can build a business website for your company using WordPress. Most of the famous business corporation uses WordPress to build their website. They give job notice and receive resumes from them who wants a job on their company. Also normal people can get their needed information’s from their website.
Social networking
People of social media has increased hugged by last couple of years. You can build a social networking website using WordPress with buddy press plugin. Also there are so many themes available for social media site.
You can build a forum with WordPress too.
Question and answer
People these days are spending too much time on question and answering sites. This type of website is getting more popular because people can find their solutions from experts.
You can build a knowledge base website WordPress.
Online new paper are choosing WordPress. You find top class online news portals are using WordPress for their platform because of its simplicity.
You can build a personal portfolio website using WordPress. People use static html page more for building a portfolio website. But you can do this with WordPress and can manage it easily.
You can build niche amazon affiliate site with WordPress. You can write review and sell products together in one website.
Coupon site
There are tons of WordPress premium themes available to help you building a coupon site with WordPress.
If you love photography you can build a photography website with blog using WordPress. It will help you to highlight to the world.
Comparison and recommendation
You can build a gadget or anything for comparison website. You can do affiliate with it too.
Web directory
WordPress will help you to build a web directory easily.
When you are running a hotel business it is must need a website nowadays. You can build a hotel website with WordPress where your customers can easily book and check their rooms.
You can give your restaurant a new class by creating a website for it and you can do it with WordPress. People can check your menus and dishes and it will make them more attractive to your place. Also you can start delivery service with your website if you want and you can do all this things with WordPress.
Did you ever thought you can build a Auction site with WordPress? Yes you can.
You can also create a classified site for buying and selling things. There are some premium themes available to do this with WordPress.
School and College
You can build a school or college website with WordPress where your students can get their class schedules, notice and exam routine or results. WordPress will help you managing all these easily.
I tried to figure those sites you can build with WordPress. Till now I didn’t get any kind of site types which you cannot build with WordPress. And that’s why I am loving to work with WordPress more and more.