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    June 16, 2022|

    What is cPanel, Functionalities of cPanel and Importance of cPanel

    What is cPanel?

    There are 4 steps of building a website.

    • 1. Designing. You need to create a structure first to start building a website. This is called web designing. Designer makes their design with Photoshop, illustrator and other designing tools.
    • 2. Coding. Then you need to code your design. You can build a static website with only HTML and CSS. But if you want to make it dynamic you need to know PHP, JavaScript, and other programming languages.
    • 3. Domain and Hosting. After completing web design and development you need to buy a domain and hosting to promote your website online.
    • 4. The final step. There you will make your website live. After buying web hosting you will get a hosting control panel where you will manage your site’s file. The most popular control panel to control a website is cPanel. You will receive cPanel username and password after buying a hosting.

    cPanel’s Function

    cPanel has an important role in controlling a website. You can control your database, security, files and other important features from cPanel. Also, you can check analytics, site errors, bugs, virus check, backup, stopping hotlink, bandwidth and space check from cPanel.

    Importance of cPanel

    If you want the complete control of your website you must need a cPanel. Without cPanel, you cannot control your website. Further, there are some security issues which makes cPanel more important. In this consecutive cPanel tutorial, I will try to describe everything in details and obviously with necessary picture and images.

    Today we just got an idea about cPanel. If you don’t know your cPanel username and password go to you provider client panel and check it or in the emails. If you don’t find your login details then contact your provider. They will help you. Generally, you will find cPanel login portal by adding “/cpanel” after your domain name. For example,

    Or if you don’t have any hosting just want to learn how to use it you can use any free hosting service.

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