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    July 06, 2022|

    Selecting the Permalink Structure on WordPress

    WordPress permalink structure is considered as an important thing. A permalink is a permanent link to your web pages.

    You will find this permalink structure as default after your WordPress installation.

    This type of permalink is not SEO friendly. Many new WordPress bloggers can’t get good SEO result because they don’t optimize their permalink structure for SEO.

    In this article, we will learn which WordPress permalink is best and we will try to discuss why another permalink structure is not good for your WordPress website.

    Which permalink is suggested as SEO friendly?

    When you go to settings>>permalink option, you will see a page like this.

    There are some automated permalink structures available and you can build your own custom structure from here too.

    For WordPress blog, my suggestion is using post name on permalinks

    Some blogger suggests using categories on the permalink. You can use category name on your permalink but it is better if you use category if it small and meaningful.

    Another confusion you face on using the date on your permalink. If you are running a news portal and don’t need to update your articles with the latest news you can use dates on your permalink. But if you are want to update your contents with latest news or information you should not use dates on your permalink.

    Some other permalink tips:

    • Use simple permalink structure. ( )
    • Use dash (-) instead of underscore (_)
    • Remove stop words from permalinks.
    • Use keywords on your permalink

    People often get confused using www or non-www on their domain URL.
    There is no effect of having www on your sites SEO.

    For the personal site you can skip using www, but when you are running a blog or business website it will be better using www.

    You should decide first which one you are going to use. DO NOT change your URL structure anytime.

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