How to Transfer Web Email Account and Mails between cPanel
This is common issue to transfer hosting from one server to another, I already shared few tutorials for those, especially to transfer WordPress one server to another. As a freelancer this is a very common task for me to transfer. Even my working style is to develop site on my sample domain and server, then show that to client or client of clients. When everything will be done, I transfer that site to live domain, that’s why live site will not be effected or there will not be less down time, maybe 2 minutes maximum. Even I being hired on Upwork for transfer clients’ server, it’s very easy to transfer WordPress or other sites will just take times to download and upload files (if I will go for manually transfer), if I will go for FTP transfer that will take 10 minutes maximum. But many of my clients’ feel worry about their email accounts and messages what is on their old server. LOL these are more easy to transfer rather than WordPress! I am going to show this today, don’t worry about this, these will be easy from today. If you will face problem, don’t worry about it, just ask me on the comment or send mail to our official mail address, I will reply as soon as possible.
Step 1:
We will be needed one FTP account for your server, please create one FTP account via cPanel, if you don’t have or forget access. Then we will be needed FTP client, I like FileZilla and/or Core FTP. Open FTP client and connect with your hosting account. Then navigate to etc/ sub folder. There you will find a folder which in named same as your domain, suppose for oboyob.com I will get oboyob.com. Download that folder to your local PC. This folder contains the email accounts, password etc.
Upload that domain name folder to your new server on same place (on etc/ sub folder), this will transfer email accounts and password etc.
Step 2:
Simply repeat that step 1, now we need to navigate to the mail/ sub folder. Find there is also another folder named same as your domain, for mine oboyob.com. We also need to download that folder, here your messages stored. As both folders (from step 1) are same name, so before download please rename old folder’s name or download this folder on another folder or another drive to avoid overwrite.
Upload that domain name folder to your new server on same place (on mail/ sub folder), this will transfer your mails and data whatever you had on your old mail. We are done!
Now check your Email account via cPanel or webmail, cPanel > Email accounts or via your webmail yourdomainname.com/webmail. Login access should remain same (if there will not be problem with transfer processes, if problem please follow same process from the first, if still problem please feel free to ask me).