How To Fix WordPress Security Connection Error
Are you facing secure connection error on your website? It’s a common WordPress issue. Generally, it happens when you try to update WordPress themes and plugins from official In this article, you will find how to fix this security connection error on WordPress easily.
Why WordPress shows secure connection error?
WordPress has a built-in system to manage its update. It checks regular updates and shows you a notification.
For updating any item your site needs to connect with official site. There sometimes it happens because your server could not connect with
And that’s why you may see this message on your WordPress website
An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums. (WordPress could not establish a secure connection to Please contact your server administrator.) in /home/username/public_html/wp-admin/includes/update.php on line 122
So let’s check how to fix this Secure Connection Error easily
You can fix WordPress this secure connection error in many ways. It depends on why this error happening.
Hosting and server related issue
If your shared hosting server is under DDoS attack it shows secure connection error because it couldn’t connect with
In this, you need to wait some time. If it not fixed after sometimes, you need to contact your provider.
Cloud or VPS server connectivity issue
If you use cloud or VPS hosting it is possible to show secure connection error for having an issue with DNS.
In this case, you need to point your server to WordPress directory using SSH.
SSH is a short form of Secure Shell which encryption protocol use command line tools to connect your server to WordPress.
Windows user can use Putty tool and mac or Linux user can use the terminal app for doing this.
Now you need to log in your hosting account with a credential shell access. You can find this information on your hosting panel or you can ask your provider.
In this terminal, you can connect with your service which will be like this.
Replace it with your username and domain.
After connection, you need to run this command
sudo nano /etc/hosts
It will open a file and add this code there.
66 155 40 202 api wordpress org
Now save this change and check your website.
Secure connection error in localhost
You will not find CURL extension enable in PHP if you are running WordPress on your own local server. To fix this you need to edit a php.ini file on your computer. You need this extension to connect your website with
Go to php folder of your XAMPP, MAMP or WAMP. If you are a windows user, check this line
Or if are using mac or Linux check this line.
Now remove the semi colon “; “ from the line to enable this extension. Don’t forget to changes save of the php.ini file
Open Ports check the firewall
If you installed your CURL extension to your local server you need check internet connection firewall.
Your computer may break your outgoing connection from the local host. If you are using windows press the start button and find the firewall
You will find firewall here.
System Preferences » Security & Privacy
You need to add Apache to allow incoming and outgoing connections.
Then you will see an option to restart your apache.
Hope this article will help you solving WordPress secure connection error problem.